Avis Command Line Tools

The Avis router ships with two generic tools for producing and consuming Elvin notifications: ec and ep. These can be useful for using Elvin from scripts or as debugging aids


The ec command allows you to subscribe to notifications using a subscription expression on the command line.

For example:

ec -e elvin://public.elvin.org "string (Greeting)"

This will select any messages with a Greeting field containing a string value. For more interesting real world example, try using require (Presence-Protocol) as the subscription on the public.elvin.org router.

The ec command prints notifications to its standard output in text form. For example:

> ec -e elvin://public.elvin.org \
    "require (Presence-Protocol)"
ec: Connected to server elvin:4.0//public.elvin.org:2917
$time 2008-07-10T11:51:08.729+0930
Client-Id: "0307ec7b6956d1c2b"
Distribution: "world"
Groups: "|osx|elvin|chat|aquatik|"
Presence-Info: "update"
Presence-Protocol: 1000
Status: "online"
Status-Duration: 69147
Status-Text: "Inactive"
User: "lawley@csiro"
$time 2008-07-10T11:51:20.155+0930
Client-Id: "8146eae7b84334da7"
Distribution: "world"
Groups: "|elvin|ticker-dev|"
Presence-Info: "update"
Presence-Protocol: 1000
Status: "unavailable"
Status-Duration: 0
Status-Text: "Do not disturb"
User: "matthew@home"


The output of ec is in the same format as that required by ep, making it easy to feed captured events back into a router.


The ep command allows you to feed notifications into a router. For example:

ep -e elvin://public.elvin.org
Greeting: "hello world"
Number:   42
Long:     1234L
Real:     3.1415
Opaque:   [de ed be ef f0 0d]

Run the tools with no command line arguments for a full description of the command line options available.