Avis Roadmap

This is a provisional roadmap reflecting current development goals.

Release Schedule

Router Release 1.3 (Unscheduled: alpha release in September 2009)

  • Web-based router statistics display and simple router management.

  • Move to MINA 2.0 network I/O framework.

Router Release 2.0 (Unscheduled)

  • Advanced federation (protocol version 1.1) and quench support (subset C of the protocol spec).

  • Consider factoring of router core, federation and web management into OSGi components. Would allow other plug-ins via OSGi and ease deployment into other OSGi environments.


Router Release 1.3 alpha (September 2009)

  • Web based router management

  • Improved robustness/performance.

C Client Library 1.2 (December 2008)

  • Improved overall reliability and robustness.

C Client Library 1.1 (November 2008)

  • Improved packaging for Mac OS X and Windows.

C Client Library 1.0 (August 2008)

  • Support for native client applications on Mac OS X, Unix and Windows.

Router Release 1.2 (January 2008)

  • SSL/TLS encryption and authentication.

Java Client Library Release 1.1 (January 2008)

  • SSL/TLS encryption and authentication.

Router Release 1.1 (August 2007)

  • Wide-area federation.

Java Client Library Release 1.0 (June 2007)

  • Includes subscription, notification, security, close event notification, liveness checking and router connection option support.

Router Release 1.0 (March 2007)

  • Supports A & B subsets of the final 4.0 protocol spec.

  • Native installation packages for Mac OS X, Linux/Unix (tar-style package and RPM) and Windows.

Other Features

Not yet scheduled:

  • Router auto discovery.

  • UDP unconnected notify support.

  • Elvin 4.1 protocol support (depends on 4.1 protocol being published on elvin.org site).