avis/values.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Polymorphic values.

#include <string.h>
#include <avis/stdtypes.h>
#include <avis/arrays.h>
#include <avis/defs.h>

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Data Structures

struct  Value
 A polymorphic value: either an int32, int64, real64, string or opaque (an array of bytes). More...


#define value_clone(source)   value_copy (value_create (), source)
 Create a value cloned from a source value.
#define value_create()   ((Value *)avis_emalloc (sizeof (Value)))
 Create an uninitialised value on the heap.
#define value_destroy(value)   (value_free (value), free (value), value = NULL)
 Destroy (free and NULL) a value instance.
#define value_create_int32(value)   (value_init (value_create (), TYPE_INT32, (int32_t)(value)))
 Allocate and init an int32 value.
#define value_create_int64(value)   (value_init (value_create (), TYPE_INT64, (int64_t)(value)))
 Allocate and init an int64 value.
#define value_create_real64(value)   (value_init (value_create (), TYPE_REAL64, (real64_t)(value)))
 Allocate and init a real64 value.
#define value_create_string(value)   (value_init (value_create (), TYPE_STRING, avis_estrdup (value)))
 Allocate and init a string value.
#define value_create_string_nocopy(value)   (value_init (value_create (), TYPE_STRING, value))
 Allocate and init a string value, without copying it first.
#define value_create_opaque(value)   (value_init (value_create (), TYPE_OPAQUE, value))
 Allocate and init an opaque value.
#define array_create(item_type, item_count)
 Create a new array instance on the heap.
#define array_destroy(value)   (array_free (value), free (value), value = NULL)
 Destroy an array created with array_create().
#define array_get(array, index, item_type)   (((item_type *)array->items) [index])
 Get an item of a given type.


enum  ValueType {
  TYPE_INT32 = 1, TYPE_INT64 = 2, TYPE_REAL64 = 3, TYPE_STRING = 4,
 The type tag for polymorphic values. More...


AVIS_PUBLIC Valuevalue_init (Value *value, ValueType type,...)
 Initialise a polymorphic value.
AVIS_PUBLIC void value_free (Value *value)
 Free any resources held by a value instance.
AVIS_PUBLIC Valuevalue_copy (Value *target, const Value *source)
 Copy a value from a source to a target.
AVIS_PUBLIC Arrayarray_init (Array *array, size_t item_count, size_t item_length)
 Initialise an array.
AVIS_PUBLIC void array_free (Array *array)
 Free resources held by an array.
AVIS_PUBLIC bool array_equals (Array *array1, Array *array2)
 Test if two arrays are bitwise identical.

Define Documentation

#define array_create ( item_type,
item_count   ) 


(array_init ((Array *)avis_emalloc (sizeof (Array)), \
               item_count, sizeof (item_type)))
Create a new array instance on the heap.

See also:


#define array_destroy ( value   )     (array_free (value), free (value), value = NULL)

Destroy an array created with array_create().

#define array_get ( array,
item_type   )     (((item_type *)array->items) [index])

Get an item of a given type.

array The array.
index The index of the item.
item_type The type of items in the array.

#define value_clone ( source   )     value_copy (value_create (), source)

Create a value cloned from a source value.

source The source to copy from.
A pointer to the target.
See also:

#define value_create (  )     ((Value *)avis_emalloc (sizeof (Value)))

Create an uninitialised value on the heap.

#define value_create_int32 ( value   )     (value_init (value_create (), TYPE_INT32, (int32_t)(value)))

Allocate and init an int32 value.

Use value_destroy() when done.

#define value_create_int64 ( value   )     (value_init (value_create (), TYPE_INT64, (int64_t)(value)))

Allocate and init an int64 value.

Use value_destroy() when done.

#define value_create_opaque ( value   )     (value_init (value_create (), TYPE_OPAQUE, value))

Allocate and init an opaque value.

Use value_destroy() when done. Unlike string values, this will NOT be copied before being added to the set.

value An Array instance representing the opaque data.
See also:

#define value_create_real64 ( value   )     (value_init (value_create (), TYPE_REAL64, (real64_t)(value)))

Allocate and init a real64 value.

Use value_destroy() when done.

#define value_create_string ( value   )     (value_init (value_create (), TYPE_STRING, avis_estrdup (value)))

Allocate and init a string value.

Use value_destroy() when done. The string is duplicated before being added.

See also:


#define value_create_string_nocopy ( value   )     (value_init (value_create (), TYPE_STRING, value))

Allocate and init a string value, without copying it first.

Use value_destroy() when done, which will free the string passed in here.

See also:


#define value_destroy ( value   )     (value_free (value), free (value), value = NULL)

Destroy (free and NULL) a value instance.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum ValueType

The type tag for polymorphic values.

These are the same as the type codes from the client protocol spec.


Function Documentation

AVIS_PUBLIC bool array_equals ( Array array1,
Array array2 

Test if two arrays are bitwise identical.

AVIS_PUBLIC void array_free ( Array array  ) 

Free resources held by an array.

AVIS_PUBLIC Array* array_init ( Array array,
size_t  item_count,
size_t  item_length 

Initialise an array.

array The array to initialise.
item_count The initial item count.
item_length The length of an item.
See also:

AVIS_PUBLIC Value* value_copy ( Value target,
const Value source 

Copy a value from a source to a target.

target The target for the copy.
source The source to copy from.
A pointer to the target.
See also:

AVIS_PUBLIC void value_free ( Value value  ) 

Free any resources held by a value instance.

AVIS_PUBLIC Value* value_init ( Value value,
ValueType  type,

Initialise a polymorphic value.

value The value to init.
type The type of value.
The next param is the value to be assigned. For strings and opaques, this value is "owned" by the poly value and will be free'd on calling value_free(), so constant strings passed in here should be copied before being used in a value that will be value_free()'d. No type checking is done for the value parameter.

Generated on Mon Jan 12 19:19:12 2009 for Avis Client Library by  doxygen 1.5.6