avis/net.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Avis network includes.

#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <avis/errors.h>
#include <avis/stdtypes.h>
#include <avis/defs.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define pipe_read(socket, buff, length)   read (socket, buff, length)
#define pipe_write(socket, buff, length)   write (socket, buff, length)
#define close_socket(s)   (shutdown ((s), SHUT_RDWR), close (s), (s) = -1)
#define sock_op_timed_out()   (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
#define elvin_error_from_pipe   elvin_error_from_errno
#define elvin_error_from_socket   elvin_error_from_errno


typedef int socket_t


AVIS_PUBLIC socket_t avis_open_socket (const char *host, uint16_t port, ElvinError *error)
AVIS_PUBLIC socket_t avis_select_ready (socket_t socket1, socket_t socket2, ElvinError *error)
 Select a socket ready for reading.
AVIS_PUBLIC bool avis_open_socket_pair (socket_t *socket_read, socket_t *socket_write, ElvinError *error)
 Open a bi-directional control socket.
AVIS_PUBLIC void avis_close_socket_pair (socket_t socket_read, socket_t socket_write)

Define Documentation

#define close_socket (  )     (shutdown ((s), SHUT_RDWR), close (s), (s) = -1)

#define elvin_error_from_pipe   elvin_error_from_errno

#define elvin_error_from_socket   elvin_error_from_errno

#define pipe_read ( socket,
length   )     read (socket, buff, length)

#define pipe_write ( socket,
length   )     write (socket, buff, length)

#define sock_op_timed_out (  )     (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)

Typedef Documentation

typedef int socket_t

Function Documentation

AVIS_PUBLIC void avis_close_socket_pair ( socket_t  socket_read,
socket_t  socket_write 

AVIS_PUBLIC socket_t avis_open_socket ( const char *  host,
uint16_t  port,
ElvinError error 

AVIS_PUBLIC bool avis_open_socket_pair ( socket_t socket_read,
socket_t socket_write,
ElvinError error 

Open a bi-directional control socket.

AVIS_PUBLIC socket_t avis_select_ready ( socket_t  socket1,
socket_t  socket2,
ElvinError error 

Select a socket ready for reading.

If both are ready, return socket2.s

Generated on Mon Jan 12 19:19:12 2009 for Avis Client Library by  doxygen 1.5.6