avis/defs.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Elvin global value definitions.

Go to the source code of this file.


#define DEFAULT_ELVIN_PORT   2917
 The default port for Elvin client connections.
 The default client protocol major version supported by this library.
 The default client protocol minor version supported by this library.
#define AVIS_IO_TIMEOUT   10000
 Timeout (in milliseconds) for I/O operations.
 Maximum idle interval (in seconds) before sending a liveness test message.
#define _KB_   1024
#define _MB_   _KB_ * _KB_
#define MAX_PACKET_LENGTH   (2 * _MB_)
 Max total length in bytes of an acceptable packet from an Elvin router.
#define MAX_STRING_LENGTH   (1 * _MB_)
 Max total length in bytes of an acceptable UTF-8 string from an Elvin router.
#define MAX_OPAQUE_LENGTH   (1 * _MB_)
 Max total length in bytes of an acceptable opaque byte array from an Elvin router.
#define MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH   (4 * _KB_)
 Max total length of an acceptable array (of int64 or polymorphic values) from an Elvin router.
#define MAX_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT   (4 * _KB_)
 Max total number of entries in an attributes set from an Elvin router.
 Max total number of key scheme/key set pairs from an Elvin router.
#define MAX_KEY_COUNT   (1 * _KB_)
 Max total number of keys in a key set from an Elvin router.
#define AVIS_PUBLIC_DATA   extern

Define Documentation

#define _KB_   1024

#define _MB_   _KB_ * _KB_

#define AVIS_IO_TIMEOUT   10000

Timeout (in milliseconds) for I/O operations.


Maximum idle interval (in seconds) before sending a liveness test message.


#define AVIS_PUBLIC_DATA   extern


The default client protocol major version supported by this library.


The default client protocol minor version supported by this library.

#define DEFAULT_ELVIN_PORT   2917

The default port for Elvin client connections.

#define MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH   (4 * _KB_)

Max total length of an acceptable array (of int64 or polymorphic values) from an Elvin router.

#define MAX_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT   (4 * _KB_)

Max total number of entries in an attributes set from an Elvin router.

#define MAX_KEY_COUNT   (1 * _KB_)

Max total number of keys in a key set from an Elvin router.

This currently has no effect on the client since it only sends keys not receives them, but might be useful if this library ever forms the basis of a server.


Max total number of key scheme/key set pairs from an Elvin router.

This currently has no effect on the client since it only sends keys not receives them, but might be useful if this library ever forms the basis of a server.

#define MAX_OPAQUE_LENGTH   (1 * _MB_)

Max total length in bytes of an acceptable opaque byte array from an Elvin router.

#define MAX_PACKET_LENGTH   (2 * _MB_)

Max total length in bytes of an acceptable packet from an Elvin router.

#define MAX_STRING_LENGTH   (1 * _MB_)

Max total length in bytes of an acceptable UTF-8 string from an Elvin router.

Generated on Mon Jan 12 19:19:12 2009 for Avis Client Library by  doxygen 1.5.6